**The boy helping the clerk at the grocery store asked me if I =
would like the milk in a bag.
I said, “=
;No, just leave it in the carton.”
**Think my wife left me because I’=
m too insecure.
Never mind she’s back,=
she was just at the grocery store.
**I can always identify people who have a har=
d time counting to 10.
They are usually ahea=
d of me in the express lane at the grocery store.
**They say don’t go groce=
ry shopping while you’re hungry.
But i=
t’s been a week and I just keep getting hungrier.
**At the grocery store ch=
eckout, I was asked, “Paper or plastic?”
I said, “Either, I’m bi-sacktual.”
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"