[We all have heard “common phrases” used by parents=
or adult when we were younger. Many are “regional”, some=
“ethnic”, and all “memorable”! Here are a fe=
w of mine and would love to hear some of your favorite phrases from childho=
8220;If it was a snake, it would have bit you.”
“I’m gonna see =
a man about a dog.”
“He was born naked as a jaybird.”
“I haven&=
#8217;t seen you in a month of Sundays.”
“It’s as easy as falli=
n’ off a log.”
“Shut the door! Were you born in a barn?”
;If you don’t quit cryin’ I’ll give you something to cry =
“She was runnin’ around like a chicken with its head cu=
t off.”
“That dog won’t hunt.”
“He’s dumber than a =
bag of hammers.” (or “box of rocks”)
“If you don’t =
sit still I’ll undo your belly-button and your legs will fall off.=
nd the one I can still hear my dad’s voice saying is . . .
“If I have to stop this car and come back there=
, you’ll be sorry, mister.”
Dr Bob =
@grif.net www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"