
11/17/22 Grif.Net – Thoughts about the Future

11/17/22 Grif.Net – Thoughts about the Future

As I get =
older, I’ve been thinking about the future.

**I will be =
the last person to die in my lifetime.


**I’m =
not ready to die. I can’t imagine a future without me in =


**I told a =
friend I had questions about the hereafter.  She said that was =
normal as one gets on in years, closer to =

But I =
wasn’t thinking about heaven. For me, it’s when I go into a =
room and stand there and wonder what I was “here after”. =

Except the =
bathroom. I know why.


**If I jump =
out of an airplane and my parachute doesn’t open, I can spend the =
rest of my life trying to find out why.


**And I =
finally realized that the future is really just now, but =



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] = =

"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I =