
05/03/22 Grif.Net – Free Advice

05/03/22 Grif.Net – Free Advice

If =
you’re tempted to make fun of a Baptist preacher at the potluck, =
don’t.  He already has more than enough on his =


If you like =
songs based on the Star Wars trilogy, then you might want to listen to =
Harrison Ford’s new compilation. I believe it’s his first Solo =


If the music =
in your church is like a Coldplay concert and preaching like a TED Talk, =
you might want to start looking for a real =


If you are =
looking for a high rate of return, economists advise investing in tennis =
balls not golf balls.


If your kids =
give you a box of small rocks and sand for your birthday, don’t =
complain. Appreciate the sediment.


If you study =
the effects of alcohol on a person’s walk, you’ll find the =
result is staggering.


If =
you’ve been fishing for three hours and have only gotten a sunburn =
and poison ivy, remember you are still better off than the =


If you adopt =
the British spelling of “diarrhea” (which is =
“diarrhoea”) it will make you look like you’ve lost =
control of your vowels.



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] = =

"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I =