[Tomorrow – March 14 – is the big 65 day . . and all grif.net readers will
rejoice. No more lame “getting older” jokes for another year.]
My, my, 65! I guess this marks the first day of the rest of your life . .
– H. Martin
On my 65th birthday, I’m going to lie down in a crop circle and wait for
aliens to abduct me. That’s my retirement plan.
– Randy Glasbergen
Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had
– George Burns
Now that I’m 65 and re-tired does that mean I need new tread?
– Melanie White
We used to roast marshmallows over your cake. At 65 we can do a turkey!
– Marilyn Long
65 years old is when you wake up in the morning looking forward to that nap
in the afternoon.
– Greg Tamblyn
Being 65 means your kids think you have all the time in the world to
– Melanie White
I’m 65 and I guess that puts me in with the geriatrics. But if there were
fifteen months in every year, I’d only be 48.
– James Thurber
At 65 I don’t mind watching my grandkids. It’s when I have to run after them
that’s the problem.
– Melanie White
65 years old means no more wearing speedos on the beach. This is a rule.
– Greg Tamblyn
At 65, my grandkids are a lot cuter in pictures than they are running around
messing up my house.
– Melanie White
Get ready for the 65-year-old shuffle: shuffling along, shuffling cards, and
playing shuffleboard.
– Greg Tamblyn
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”