For 2012 I decided to make several New Year’s resolutions that I COULD keep,
that would make me feel GOOD and SUCCESSFUL (rather than feel defeated about
failing to keep them as I have others years). So here are my TOP 12
RESOLUTIONS on the to-do list. Will post on Dec 31, 2012 (Lord willing) of
how I fared.
In 2012, I RESOLVE TO.
1. Gain weight, at least 50 pounds or more
2. Stop exercising. Big waste of time. Stresses my body.
3. Read less. Makes me think too much
4. Get further in debt
5. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them
6. Focus on the faults of others
7. Mope about my own faults
8. Watch more TV. I’ve been missing some really good sit-coms
9. Procrastinate more. Start everything tomorrow
10. Stay off the International Space Station
11. Not have eight children at once
12. Only wear jeans that are 2 sizes too small and use a rope for a belt
Wow! One month down and already I’m on the road to success. I’m never again
going to make any New Year’s resolutions I can’t keep!
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”