
04/27/11 Grif.Net – Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

04/27/11 Grif.Net – Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Here are the first names AND a clue to help you identify some famous
brothers. They get harder the further you go. Bet you can’t figure out the
FAMILY NAME of them all.

_______ Orville and Wilbur had the right stuff

_______ Paul, Nicholas and Joseph are heartthrobs today

_______ Virgil, Morgan and Wyatt kept the peace on the Frontier

_______ John, Robert, and Edward led the Democrats

_______ Frank and Jesse terrorized the Mid-West

_______ George, Charles and Edward enjoyed a monopoly on making games

_______ Albert, August, Otto, Alfred, Charles, John and Henry clowned around
Big Top

_______ Jakob and Wilhelm told fanciful German fairy tales

_______ Harry, Albert and Jack enjoyed producing movies in Hollywood

_______ Julius, Adolph, Leonard, Milton and Herbert were a movie star family

(although better known by stage names like Gummo)

_______ Peter and James who adopted different last names, had an impossible
mission acting in two very different genres of television

_______ Luigi and Mario romped in the NYC sewers

Answers on Friday, brother.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”