An inquisitive child asked his father, "How did people beg=
in on earth?" His father pulled out a Bible and started: "In the =
beginning God created Adam and then Eve. They made babies, then their babie=
s became adults and made babies, and so on." The child nodded in under=
After that, he went to his mother and asked her the same question. She =
told him, "You want the truth? We were just monkeys scampering around.=
Then we evolved to apes and walk upright. And after millions of years, we =
became humans like we are now."
The child weighed this and then ran back to=
his father and said, "I think you lied to me, Dad!"
His father replie=
d, "No, son. I was right. Your mom was talking about HER side of the f=
amily, not my side."
Bob Griffin
[email protected] www=
"Jesus Knows Me, This I=