
02/26/25 Grif.Net – Famous Poker Game (+ Answers to Acronym Quiz)

02/26/25 Grif.Net – Famous Poker Game (+ Answers to Acronym Quiz)

Did you know that the early explorers of the world were also di=
ehard poker players?=A0 Rumors about their weekly poker games abound. Vasco=
da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson, and Francisco Pizarro were re=


But no matter what hand they were dealt, they could never seem to beat t=
he Straights of Magellan.




Example: GRACE (from my Su=
nday School days) =3D God’s Righteousness At Christ’s Expense
1. RADAR =3D Radio Detection And Ranging (or favorite characte=
r on M*A*S*H)


2. POTUS =3D President of the United States


3. TTFN =3D Ta-=
Ta For Now (British informal "goodbye")


4. SWAK =3D Sealed With =
a Kiss


5. TGIF =3D Thanks God (or Goodness) It’s Friday


6. SIM (card) =
=3D Subscriber Identification Module


7. SCUBA =3D Self-Contained Under=
water Breathing Apparatus


8. DOA =3D Dead On Arrival



9. GMO =3D Genetical=
ly Modified Organism


10. AWOL =3D Absent Without Leave


11. NATO =3D No=
rth Atlantic Treaty Organization


12. ZIP (code) =3D Zone Improvement Plan


13. USA PATRIOT (Act) =3D Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing A=
ppropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism


14. HIV =3D =
Human Immunodeficiency Virus


15. SWAT =3D Special Weapons And Tactics


GIF =3D Graphics Interchange Format


17. TBD =3D To Be Determined=


18. ASAP =3D As Soon As Possible


19. SPF =3D Sun Protection Factor


20. RSVP=
=3D R=E9pondez s’il vous plait (French for “please respond&#8221=


NIMBY =3D Not In My Back Yard


22. LASER =3D Light Amplification by=
Stimulated Emission of Radiation


23. IVF =3D In Vitro Fertilization


24. YAHO=
=3D Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle


25. AIDS =3D Acqu=
ired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


Bonus: ROFLOL =3D Rolling on Floor La=
ughing Out Loud




Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"