[Dinner-table faire for the younger set that missed the grown-u=
p quiz]
Q: What type of sandals do frogs wear?
A: Open-toad!
Q: What do computers eat for a snack?=
A: Microchips!
Q: Why couldn’t the leopard play hide and seek?
A: Because he was always sp=
Q: What nails do carpenters hate to =
A: Fingernails.
Q: Why is the dairy barn so noisy?
A: Because the cows have horns.
Q: What creature has more lives than a cat? =
A: A frog because it cro=
aks every night.
~~ANWERS to “Kinda E=
asy Quiz”~~
1. What was Eleanor Roose=
velt’s maiden name before marrying FDR?
Answer: Roosevelt (she and Franklin were cousins)=
2. What was the birth name of boxing legend Muh=
ammad Ali?
Answer: Cassiu=
s Clay
3. Where on the food pyramid do eggp=
lants belong?
Answer: In =
the fruit section
4. In chess, what directi=
on can a bishop move?
wer: Diagonally
5. What celebrity was the w=
orld’s first cloned animal, a sheep, named after in 1996?
Answer: Dolly Parton
6. What is the name for the solar event that occurs on Mar=
ch 20th or 21st of each year?
Answer: The Vernal Equinox
7. WhatR=
17;s the shortcut for the paste function on most computers?
Answer: Ctrl+V
8. What river runs through Paris?
Answer: The Seine
9. What i=
s the capital of Nevada?
Answer: Carson City
10. What is the most =
spoken language in Brazil?
Answer: Portuguese
11. How many colors w=
ill you find in a regular bag of M&Ms?
Answer: Six
12. How many =
wives did Henry VIII have?
Answer: Six
13. What is the rarest blood =
Answer: AB negati=
14. Which famous art movement did Pablo =
Picasso co-create?
: Cubism
15. Which U.S. president is featur=
ed on the $2 bill?
: Thomas Jefferson
Dr Bob Gr=
[email protected] www.grif=
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love=