
01/10/25 Grif.Net – 21st Century Church Songbook

01/10/25 Grif.Net – 21st Century Church Songbook

[Each month in 2025, we plan to wander unsupervised down mem=
ory lane, repeating the Grif Net email/blog posts for an entire week from 2=
5 years ago (that’s from January 2000 for those mathematically challe=
nged.) I found out my attempt at humor has NOT gotten better in passing yea=
rs, but lots that were funny THEN are still funny NOW.]


Carol S. shared thi=
s announcement of publication of THE 21st CENTURY CHURCH SONGBOOK. Every ti=
tle, according to the editor, was chosen because, "We didn’t want to t=
urn anybody off with threatening words that no one understands anymore like=
‘worship’ or ‘hymn.’  People in today’s society get kind of uncomfort=
able with too much talk about things like commitment and dedication. They’d=
much rather have a religion that they can turn on or off at will like a TV=
=2E Our Hymnbook seeks to meet that need."


Here is a Sample Offering o=
f songs:


1. A Comfy Mattress Is Our God

=2E Above Average is Thy Faithfulness

3. =
All Hail the Influence of Jesus’ Name

4. =
Be Thou My Hobby

5. Blest Be the Tie Th=
at Doesn’t Cramp My Style Quite a Bit to Me

6. I Lay My Inappropriate Behaviors on Jesus

7. I Surrender Some

8. I’m Fairl=
y Certain That My Redeemer Lives

9. Joyfu=
l, Joyful, We Kinda Like Thee

10. My Fait=
h Looks Around for Thee

11. My Hope is Bu=
ilt on Nothing Much

12. Oh, for a couple =
of Tongues to Sing

13. Oh, How I Like Jes=

14. Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me

15. Praise God from Whom All Affirmations =

16. Self-Esteem to the World! The Lo=
rd is Come

17. Sit Up, Sit Up for Jesus

18. Spirit of the Living God, Fall Somewhe=
re Near Me

19. Take My Life, but Let Me B=

20. There is Scattered Cloudiness in My=
Soul Today

21. There Shall be Sprinkles =
of Blessings

22. What an Acquaintance We =
have in Jesus

23. When Peace, Like a Tric=

24. When the Saints Go Sneaking In

25. Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Foll=



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows=
Me, This I Love!"