[What are MY 2025=
resolutions, no one asked? My resolutions WITH commentary, since man=
y might question my sincerity in these monumental tasks.]=
To lose the extra weight I put on in 2024. (But in =
my defense, I had a lot on my plate last year.)=
To stop procrastinating. (Eventually.)
To replace all my shoelaces with=
Velcro straps. (Well, why knot?)
To install a giant picture window in my=
living room. (I know this will be a big pane.)=
To immediately stop eating=
deli meats. (I’m afraid it will be hard to quit cold turkey.)
To re=
ward myself with some new golf socks. (Over the holidays I got a hole in on=
To order a chicken and an egg online. (Need to answer one philosophica=
l question – to see which comes first.)
To get a new set of golf clubs for=
my wife. (Seems like that would be a fair trade.)
To refuse to attend fu=
nerals before 10 a.m. (I’m just not an early mourning person.)
To get over my fear of hurdles. (This may take a lea=
p of faith.)
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This =
I Love!"