[Time to see how many of these COMMON facts you know. Please on=
ly post ONE answer publicly so others can test their memory. Answers tomorr=
=2E What city hosted the 2013 Winter Olympics?
2. What is the longest running Bro=
adway show?
3. What is the human body’s largest organ?
4. What year was the first=
iPhone released?
5. What is the longest above-water mountain range?
6. How many bones =
do sharks have?
7. What is the deadliest mammal?
8. What country was the Marxist revo=
lutionary figure Che Guevara born in?
9. In what city and state is Harvard Univer=
sity located?
10. What does DNA stand for?
11. What is the word for the weather event a=
lso called a winter hurricane?
12. What was the first country to give women the r=
ight to vote?
13. What phase does a moon enter after it’s full?
14. What are the =
names of the four March sisters in Little Women?
15. What chewy dessert to=
pping is made from tartar and egg whites and often found on pie?=
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!&qu=