
10/10/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

10/10/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

Mike B. announced, “Merriam-Webster added 200 new words. =
To make space, they got rid of words nobody uses anymore, like ‘dicti=


Candy S. wondered, “Find it amusing my husband won&#8=
217;t let me pick up his new MacBook Pro because he’s afraid I’=
ll drop it, but he’s totally cool with letting me pick up the baby.&#=


Tim M. vented, “People who talk behind my back discussed me.”=


Sue W=
=2E recognized, “I already know how it will end. One of my children w=
ill unplug my life support to charge their phone.”

Joe M. wond=
ered, “Since I’m finding celery left on my desk, my car, and my=
porch, should I consider that I’m being stalked?”


Bobbie D. related,=
“I believe in gun control. That’s when you want to buy 2 and y=
ou only buy 1, right?”


Rich T. admitted, “Last week I tried resistanc=
e training. I refused to go to the gym.”


Paula M. lamented, “I regret=
every nap I passed up as a kid.”


Doug N. proclaimed, “Don’t be=
scared, but Halloween 2024 is on Friday the 13th for the first =
time in 666 years.”


Nedelka M. confessed, “The three hardest things t=
o say are “I was wrong”, “I’m sorry”, and &#8=
220;Worcestershire Sauce.”


Rob B. sighed, “Apologies to the older fol=
ks I used to judge for eating dinner at 5 and in bed by 9. You guys were re=
ally on to something.”


Della H. realized, “God made man from the dust=
of the earth, but made woman from the rib of man.  This proves man is=
dirt, but woman is prime rib.”



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"=