
10/08/24 Grif.Net – Boomer Quiz

10/08/24 Grif.Net – Boomer Quiz

[Someone said you could PROVE you were a “Baby Boomer&=
#8221; if you could remember at least 15 or 20 of these facts.  Try it=
! I won’t tell you how long it took for me to type in my phone number=
on a credit card machine at the gas station today. I know so much OLD stuf=
f like this that I’m not sure I have any room for the NEW stuff.]


1. =
"Kookie, Kookie, lend me ________________."



2. The "battle c=
ry" of the hippies in the 60’s was "Turn on; tune in; ___________=


3. Folk songs were played side by side with rock and roll. One of=
the most memorable folk songs included these lyrics:  "When the =
rooster crows at the break of dawn, look out your window and I’ll be gone. =
You’re the reason I’m traveling on, ______________________."


4. When t=
he Beatles first came to the U.S. in early 1964, we all watched them on the=


5. We all learned to read using the same books. =
We read about the thrilling lives and adventures of Dick and Jane. Dick an=
d Jane’s dog was ___________ and cat was ___________.



6. A Broadway musical=
/movie gave us New York "gang names" of the _________ and the ___=


7. In the seventies, we called the drop-out nonconformists &=
quot;hippies." But in the fifties, they were known as _____________.


=2E William Bendix played Chester A. Riley, who always seemed to get the sh=
ort end of the stick in the television program, "The Life of Riley.&qu=
ot; At the end of each show, poor Chester would turn to the camera and excl=
aim, "What a _________________________________________."


9. Finis=
h this slogan: "Get your kicks ________________."


10. "The s=
tory you are about to see is true.  The names have been changed ______=


11. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle,______=


12. That "adult" book by Henry Miller (that co=
ntained all the "off-color" dialogue) was called ________________=


13. Today, a math genius in school might walk around with a calculator=
=2E Back in the 60’s, members of the math club used a _____________.


14. Don Maclean sang a song about February 3, 1959, when Buddy Holly, Ritch=
ie Valens, and The Big Bopper (Jiles Perry Richardson) were all killed in t=
ragic plane accident. He called it ________________.


15. A well-known telev=
ision commercial featured a driver who was miraculously lifted through thin=
air and into the front seat of a convertible. The matching slogan was &quo=
t;Let Hertz ________________________________."


16. After the Twist, t=
he Mash Potato, and the Watusi, we "danced" with a low stick call=
ed the _______________.


17. "N-E-S-T-L-E-S; Nestles makes the very bes=


18. What was the dog’s name who sang that Nestles theme=
songs? ________


19. In the 60’s, the "full figure" of Ja=
ne Russell or Marilyn Monroe gave way to the "trim" look, exempli=
fied by British model ______________.


20. The Russians placed in orbit the =
first satellite called ______________.


21. What takes a licking and keeps o=
n ticking?__________.


22. A big fad of the late fifties was a large plastic=
ring that we twirled around our waist called the ________________.


23. The=
"Age of Aquarius" was brought into the mainstream in the Broadwa=
y musical ________________.


24. On Jackie Gleason’s variety show in the six=
ties, a popular segment was "Joe, the Bartender." Joe’s regular v=
isitor at the bar was that slightly off-center, but lovable character, ____=
_____. (The character’s name, not the actor’s.)


25. Red Skelton’s hobo char=
acter (not the hayseed) was ________________.


[answers tomorrow]



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected]=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"