A few more fall jokes to keep the whole family groaning togethe=
Q: =
Did you hear about the kid who had too much pie this last fall? =
A: He got autumn’y ache.
Q: What do you call a cold day in S=
A: Septem-brrrrrr
Q: Why did the=
scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?
A: He was out=
standing in his field.
Q: Why did the apple pie cross the road?
A: It saw a fork up ahead.
Q: Why did the apple stop in the middle=
when it was crossing the road?
A: It ran o=
ut of juice.
Q: When is a pumpkin, not a pumpkin?
A: When it gets squashed.
Q: Why did the tree giggle?
A: It heard acorn-y Grif Net joke.
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"