
09/21/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Focus

09/21/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Focus

Rich forwarded, Tonight, I gave each of our girls a small rock =
about the size of a marble and a sucker. I had them put the rock in their s=
hoe and the sucker in their mouth, then walk to the corner and back. You sh=
ould have heard the grumbling. Of course, they couldn’t walk normally=
because the rock was very uncomfortable. They were limping, hopping, or st=
aggering just trying to get back to me.


We went in the house, and I asked them wh=
at it was like for them to walk that short distance. The answers varied but=
each complained about how hard it was to walk around with the rock in thei=
r shoe and how painful it was. Not one mentioned how sweet the sucker was i=
n their mouth.


I shared with them the lesson of this little test. We often fail t=
o recognize God’s blessings in our lives because we’re putting =
all our focus on the struggles we face instead.


“For our light and momentar=
y troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them al=
l.” II Cor 4:17



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, T=
his I Love!"