
09/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

09/12/24 Grif.Net – Status Updates

Rhonda C.inquired, “What has 4 letters=
, sometimes 9 letters but never 5 letters?”


David A. boasted, “Saw an ad for a used car that said it ran g=
ood, but the radio volume was ‘stuck on high’. Such a great dea=
l I just couldn’t turn it down.”


Esther G. rejoiced, “I’m still a kid at heart, but my knees =
and back remind me in the real world I’m a senior citizen.”



Steve B. asked, “Why would a married man=
buy a hearing aid?”


Jackie W. admitt=
ed, “I just realized the paper towels at the side of the gas pump are=
there so you can wipe your tears after you fill your tank.”


JC R. reminded me, “When a man says he’=
ll do anything for a woman, he’s talking about slaying dragons and st=
uff. Not about doing dishes and vacuuming.”


Khanh L. said, “One minute you’re young and full of fun.=
The next you’re turning down the radio in your car to see addresses =
on houses better.”


Dawn K. stated, &#=
8220;Earl is real mixed up.”  (I don’t know Earl, but she =
is correct)


Ken H. whispered, “I&#821=
7;m in a very dark place right now. Not emotionally, just hiding in the clo=
set from my grandson.”


Gail M. chided=
, “Remember to close all parentheses. We’re not paying to air c=
ondition the entire paragraph.”


M. asked, “I saw an audiologist today, but I think I’ll get a =
second opinion. Why on earth would I need a heron egg?”


Denise C. shared, “I found there are two words t=
hat will really open doors for people.  They are ‘Push’ an=
d ‘Pull’.”


Jon L. observe=
d, “A new study shows the leading cause of dry skin is towels.”=



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, This=
I Love!"