
09/06/24 Grif.Net – Happy Farmer

09/06/24 Grif.Net – Happy Farmer

A Minnesota farmer died and went to hell.  He was enjoy=
ing himself so much that Satan went to check his gauges.  It said 98 d=
egrees and 80% humidity. The Devil asked the farmer why he was so happy.&nb=
sp; The farmer replied, "This is just like working out in the field in=



Satan went and cranked up the heat to 120 degrees and 100% hum=
idity.  The farmer was even happier this time.  When asked why he=
replied, "This is just like working in the silo in August."&nbsp=


So, the Devil went back and turned the temperature down to 30 degrees =
below zero.  The temperature dropped quickly, and everything in hell w=
as frozen solid.  When Satan went back to check on the farmer, he was =
dancing and jumping around saying, "The Vikings won the Superbowl, the=
Vikings won the Superbowl!"


~~ANSWERS to Australia Quiz~~=


1. List the six states=
and two territories of Australia:

States =
=3D New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Weste=
rn Australia

Territories =3D Northern Territ=
ory, Capital Territory


2. What is the capital of Australia?




3. When is Australia Day?

ry 26th


4. What proportion of Australia is desert?



5. What percentage of Australians live within 35 miles on the =



6. What is the largest city in Austr=



7. What is the comparison between h=
uman population v kangaroo population?

26 mi=
llion v 40 million (kangaroos win)


8. What are sugar gliders?



9. What is the largest bird in Australia

Emu. It cannot fly and it cannot move backwards


10. What physical f=
eature of Australia can be seen from outer space

Great Barrier Reef


11. What is the official language of Australia?



12. Largest population of Greeks outside of Athens =
live in what Australian city?



13. What a=
re the only two mammals on Earth that lay eggs?

The echidna and the platypus


14. What percentage of Australians were born ov=



15. How many active volcanoes.

None – Australia is the only continent on e=
arth without an active volcano


16. After America’s Yellowstone National Par=
k, what is the second-oldest National Park in the world

Royal National Park in Sydney’s South


17. Australia is separate=
d from which country by the Tasman Sea?

New =


18. What are Australia’s largest mammal and largest reptile predators?

Dingo and Salt-water crocodile


19. Which explorer ar=
rived at Botany Bay in Australia in 1770?

mes Cook


20. What is the highest point of the continent in Australia’s in t=
he Great Dividing Range?

Mount Kosciuszko


Bonus: W=
ho makes the famous Australia spread “Vegemite’, and how was it=

Kraft Food currently produces th=
is “delicacy” that was invented to use leftover yeast that had =
been used already in making beer



Dr Bob Griffin


"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"