
09/04/24 Grif.Net – Australia Quiz

09/04/24 Grif.Net – Australia Quiz

[Since I omitted the Land Down Under in our =
quiz on the five major continents, I promised we would have a quiz JUST abo=
ut Australia.  Everyone play nice and see if you actually can get at l=
east 5 of 20 correct.  Losers will get a yummy vegemite sandwich]
1. What are the six STATES and two TERRITORIES of Australia?


2. What is the capital of Australia?=


3. When is Australia Day?


What proportion of Australia is desert?


What percentage of Australians live within 35 miles on the coast?


6. What is the largest city in Australia?


7. What is the comparison between human population v=
kangaroo population?


8. What are sugar gli=


9. What is the largest bird in Aust=


10. What physical feature of Austral=
ia can be seen from outer space?


11. What i=
s the official language of Australia?


Largest population of Greeks outside of Athens live in what Australian cit=


13. What are the only two mammals on Ear=
th that lay eggs?


14. What percentage of A=
ustralians were born overseas?


15. How many=
active volcanoes are in Australia?


16. Aft=
er America’s Yellowstone National Park, what is the second-oldest Nat=
ional Park in the world?


17. Australia is s=
eparated from which country by the Tasman Sea?


18. What are Australia’s largest mammal and largest reptile predators?


19. Which explorer arrived at Botany Bay in=
Australia in 1770?


20. What is the highe=
st point of the continent in Australia’s in the Great Dividing Range?=


Bonus: Who makes the famous Australia spre=
ad “Vegemite’, and how was it developed?


(Answers Friday)



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
