Just before the funeral service, the underta=
ker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, ‘How old was your hu=
’98,’ she=
replied. ‘He was only a year older than me’.=
‘So you’re 97,’ the undertaker commented.
She responded suspiciously, ‘I know w=
hat you’re thinking: Hardly worth going home, is it?’
~~ANSWERS: Five Geographic Facts about Five Continen=
ts Quiz~~
About Europe
1. Largest country =3D Russia
2. Most populous country =3D Russia
3. Most populous city =3D Mo=
4. Longest river =3D=
5. Highest point =
=3D Mt Elbrus
About Africa
6. Largest country =3D Algeria (Sudan is=
now divided into 2 countries)
7. Most populous country =3D Nigeria
8. Most populous city =3D Cairo
9. Longest river =3D Nile
10. Highest point =3D Mt Kilimanjaro
About South America
11. Largest country =3D Brazil
12. Most populous country =3D Brazil
13. Most populous city =3D Sao Paulo
14. Longest river =3D Amazon=
15. Highest point =3D Mt=
About Asia
16. Largest country =3D Russia
17. Most pop=
ulous country =3D India (passed China in April)
18. Most populous city =3D Tokyo
19. Longest river =3D Yangtze
20. Highest point =3D Mt Everest
About North America
21. Largest country =3D Canada
22. Most populous country =3D United States=
23. Most populous city =3D Ne=
w York City
24. Longest r=
iver =3D Mississippi/Missouri
25. Highest point =3D Mt McKinley (Denali)
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"