
08/09/24 Grif.Net – Bowling

08/09/24 Grif.Net – Bowling

Moving to Wisconsin where every small town h=
as a bowling alley, I wondered about the national origin of the game. I ass=
umed maybe German since so many were connected to bars. One encyclopdia men=
tioned Holland as a possible source.


But st=
udies of the ancient saga of William Tell gave astounding evidence that it =
may have been Switzerland. 


Legend ha=
s it that Tell and his family were not just excellent archers, but avid bow=
lers. They even formed teams based on ethnic groups for German-speaking, Fr=
ench-speaking, and Italian-speaking regions of Switzerland. We wondered to =
which group the founding family joined.


ortunately, the Swiss canton records were destroyed in a fire in 1415 . . .=
and so we’ll never know for whom the Tells bowled.



Dr Bob =

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"

Vi= =