A husband was advised by his psychiatrist to assert himself.=
"You don’t have to let your wife henpeck you! Go home and show her yo=
u are the boss!"
Of course, the husband took the doctor’s advice. He =
rushed home, slammed the door, shook his fist in his wife’s face, and growl=
ed, "From now on, you’re taking orders from me! I want my supper right=
now, and when you get it on the table, go upstairs, and lay out my best cl=
othes. Tonight, I’m going out with the boys, and you are going to stay at h=
ome where you belong!
And one last thing – guess who’s going to comb my ha=
ir, give me a shave, and tie my necktie?"
His wife answered calmly, &q=
uot;The undertaker."
fun, say each out loud)~~
1. Big violin or =
small fish? =3D BASS
2. Weapon or bend ove=
r? =3D BOW
3. Video game player or give com=
fort? =3D CONSOLE
4. Gift or bring forth? =
5. Information in a book or ver=
y satisfied? =3D CONTENT
6. Turn or breeze?=
7. Fruits and vegetables or creat=
e something? =3D PRODUCE
8. Small or time? =
9. Nearby or shut? =3D CLOSE
10. Characteristic or give credit to someone? =
11. Out front or mineral? =3D=
12. Rip or cry? =3D TEAR=
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!&qu=