
07/03/24 Grif.Net – Confessions of a Retiree (+Answers to Homonym/Homophone Quiz for All Ages)

07/03/24 Grif.Net – Confessions of a Retiree (+Answers to Homonym/Homophone Quiz for All Ages)


Not saying I’ve gotten=
lazy these days, but my favorite exercise now is doing “diddly-squat=


I do tuck my feet into my chest and lean forward, since t=
hat’s just how I roll.


Monday is cleaning day. So far, I’ve polished =
off two candy bars.


Decided not to buy a 2024 calendar. Don’t want to thi=
nk of my days as numbered.


Having lots of dental work and amazed at the rising co=
st of tooth pics.


After a tough time raising my daughter, I’m having a grea=
t relationship with my grandchildren.  Guess they found we have a comm=
on enemy.


Retirement is a lot like my old job, except now I can do nothing and no=
t worry about being caught.




1. What did the dog s=
ay to the insect that bit him?

Flee, flea


2. What=
would we do if we had bad plants spoiling our lawn?

We’d weed


3. If four couples went to the restaurant, how many dine=

Eight ate


4. What do you call a huge pile of =
hidden money?

A cash cache.


5. What do you call =
a poorly mowed site for golf?

A coarse cour=


6. Wh=
at do you call a discounted boat ride?

A sa=
il sale.


7. What are groups of sailors on an ocean pleasure trip?

Crews cruise


8. Why did the cowboy give cough medicine to his st=

He had a hoarse horse.


9. What do you call=
an underaged coal digger?

A minor miner.


is a group of musicians not allowed to play a venue called?

A banned band


11. If they are not here, where are they?

They’re there


12. What do you say to a soldier in =
shining armor when he goes to bed?

ght, Knight


13. What do you call a scared bucket?

A pale pail.



14. What do you call baby bunny fur?

Hare hair.



15. What do you call a Middle Eastern market selling only product=
s from Japan?

A bizarre bazaar


16. What do you ca=
ll a quick look at a mountaintop?

A peak pe=


7. What do you call a test tube full of gross liquid?

A vile vial.


18. What is a great accomplishment using the ends of your=

A feet fete


19. What is a reddish-purple v=
egetable that is completely worn out?

A beat=


20. If the demons are completely sinful, what are angels?

Wholly holy



Dr Bob Griffin


[email protected] www.grif.n=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"