
06/27/24 Grif.Net – When Pigs Can Fly

06/27/24 Grif.Net – When Pigs Can Fly

[A “Southern” website mentioned =
how phrases with “pigs” or “hogs” are common occurr=
ences in our language, even though the only time most get close to a pig is=
carving the ham at Easter.Here are a few; if you have any to add to the co=
llection, please jump right in and wallow. Er, go “hog wild”.]


>She’s eatin’ like a pig.


>He’s bleedin’ like a stuck ho=


>Don’t cast your pearls before =


>You can’t make a silk purs=
e out of a hog’s ear.


hog all the ‘taters at supper.


;This fits about as good as a saddle on a sow.


>They’re livin’ life high on the hog


>When you wrestle with a pig you both get dirty. But the pi=
g enjoys it.


>Don’t buy a pig in a=


>Now we’re going whole hog =
on this topic.


IT’S YOUR TURN to add =
a favorite “pig-related” saying.  We will post tomorrow. D=
on’t delay or you’ll be “squealing like a stuck pig&#8221=



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected] =

"Jesus Knows Me, T=
his I Love!"