
06/22/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Advice from a President

06/22/24 Weekend Grif.Net – Advice from a President

Former president George H.W. Bush hosted an unusual visitor on =
the last day of his life, November 30, 2018. A double amputee, Irish tenor =
Ronan Tynan is perhaps best known in the United States for his stirring ren=
dition of “God Bless America” at New York’s Yankee Stadiu=
m, a tradition that began following the terrorist attacks of September 11, =


But as the 41st president lay dying, surrounded by family and friends, Ro=
nan serenaded the elder Bush with an emotional performance of the beloved C=
hristmas favorite, “Silent Night.”  “All is calm, al=
l is bright … sleep in Heavenly peace,” sang Tynan.


President Bush, w=
ho would die a few hours later, mouthed the words.


President Bush wasn’t kn=
own to give a lot of unsolicited advice, but [this is] some of the best cou=
nsel he gave over the years:


>Don’t waste time. Start right away. Start =
something. Start a business. Start a family. Start getting involved in our =


>Start dreaming — and never stop. When you dream, dream big. =
Don’t be daunted or limited. Be bold. To dream big dreams, you can&#8=
217;t be afraid of failure. You can’t be afraid to extend yourself, t=
o take qualified risks, to do something new.


>It takes values — simple,=
basic values such as always do your best.


>If you accept responsibility, ho=
nor it.


>If you are a leader, lead by example.


The Reverend Dr. Russell Levenson, =
who was Bush’s longtime pastor, noted that President Bush’s las=
t words were “I love you.”  “He was a living point o=
f light, and he showed us what it meant to lead, to live, and to love with =
a servant’s heart. By God’s grace, may we find our way there ag=
ain … and again … and again.”



[from the Daily Citizen]



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected] www.grif.=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"