
05/15/24 Grif.Net – Dance + Answers to Baseball Quotation Quiz

05/15/24 Grif.Net – Dance + Answers to Baseball Quotation Quiz

For the spring prom school dance, a shy boy asked out the girl =
he liked.


To get flowers for her, he had to stand in a line outside the florist =
for an hour.


To make things worse, he had to wait another hour in a line outside=
the tuxedo shop.


Finally, he made it to the dance with the girl. The girl wante=
d to have some apple punch, so the boy went to get it.


To his surprise, there was=
no punch line.





1. "Baseball is a universal la=
nguage. Catch the ball, throw the ball, hit the ball” – Pete Rose

2. "Little League baseball is a very good thing=
because it keeps the parents off the streets." – Yogi Berra

3. "Never allow the fear of striking out keep yo=
u from playing the game." – Babe Ruth

=2E "Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s succ=
ess or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is=
, with a new game every day." – Bob Feller

5. "If my uniform doesn’t get dirty, I haven’t done anything in th=
e baseball game." – Rickey Henderson

"Fans don’t boo nobodies." – Reggie Jackson

7. "I really love the togetherness in baseball. That’s real=
true love." – Manager Billy Martin

8. "Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed =
three times out of ten and be considered a good performer." – Ted Will=

9. "Don’t look back. Somethi=
ng might be gaining on you." – Satchel Paige

10. "A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into =
nine innings." – Manager Earl Wilson

=2E "I am convinced that God wanted me to be a baseball player." =
– Roberto Clemente

12. "When I was up t=
here at the plate, my purpose was to get on base any way I could, whether b=
y hitting or getting hit." – Shoeless Joe Jackson

13. "It took me 17 years to get 3,000 hits in baseball, and=
I did it in one afternoon on the golf course." – Hank Aaron

14. "Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants=
to quit when he’s losing; nobody wants you to quit when you’re ahead.&quot=
; – Jackie Robinson

15. "They give yo=
u a round bat, and they throw you a round ball, and then they tell you to h=
it it square." – Willie Stargell

16. &q=
uot;I could have played baseball another year, but I would have been playin=
g for the money, and baseball deserves better than that." – George Bre=

17. "Baseball is like driving. It’s =
the one who gets home safely that counts." – Manager Tommy Lasor=

18. "I think I was the best baseball=
player I ever saw." – Willie Mays

19. =
"You could be a kid for as long as you want when you play baseball.&qu=
ot; – Cal Ripken, Jr.

20. "Close doesn’=
t count in baseball. Close only counts in horseshoes and grenades." &#=
8211; Manager Frank Robinson



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]=

"Jesus Know=
s Me, This I Love!