
05/02/24 Have You Seen the Signs?

05/02/24 Have You Seen the Signs?

These are some real messages on signs seen around the world (so=
me obviously for English-speaking visitors to that region). Some make perfe=
ct sense, while others show something lost in translation.


> Park benches may =
be wet during periods of rain.[France]


> For restrooms, go back to your behind=
=2E [Greece]


> Illiterate? Write for help to . . . [Louisiana]


> The small grass =
is ashamed to smile. Please do not bother it. [Japan]



> 24-hour parking. Viola=
tors will be towed. [England]


> Please do not empty your dog here.[Korea]=


> You m=
ust wear a mask. If you choose not to, you must not wear anything else to e=
nter. [Norway]


> Yes, we are open. Please park outside. [Mexico]


> Private sign. =
Do not read. [Wyoming]


> No Trespassing. We’re tired of hiding bodies.[N=
ew Jersey]


> Care: Bean soup explodes the intestines.[China]=


> Sign not in use. =



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!&qu=