
02/20/24 Grif.Net – Human Body Quiz

02/20/24 Grif.Net – Human Body Quiz

[We often take the human body, a marvelously designed mechanism=
by a wonderful God, for granted.  Here are a dozen questions to see w=
hat YOU know about YOU. This is a repeat quiz from 15 years ago, but unsure=
anyone still remembers. Hey, I guessed for 5 right and I wrote the quiz ba=
ck then!]


1. What is the correlation between I.Q. and dreams?


2. What is the largest ce=
ll in the human body?


3. What is the smallest cell in the human body?


4. How many muscl=
es does it take to take one step?


5. How much shorter is the average woman than t=
he average man?



6. How many bones are in your big toe?  How many in each of =
the other toes?



7. And talking about feet, how many sweat glands are in your feet=


8. W=
hat common object would you use to explain the approximate size of a full b=


9. How long does it take a bite of food to go from your mouth to your sto=


10. How long is the average human dream?


11. What is the hardest substance in=
your body?


12. Who has more hair (not fun) – blondes or dark-haired people?=


Bonus: [to=
ugh math question] Using body heat (if it could all be concentrated) how lo=
ng would it take to bring 64 oz of water to a boil?



Dr Bob Griff=

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
