[Hang in there if you hear these computer words and don̵=
7;t know their meaning. Help is on the way to your cabin in the North Woods=
Modem: What you did to=
the hay fields last summer.
Dot Matrix: Farmer Matrix’s =
Infrared: Where the left-over’s go when=
Fred’s around.
Printer: Someone who ca=
n’t write in cursive.
Lap Top: Where li=
ttle kids feel comfy
Keyboard: Where you hang=
your keys.
Software: Them plastic eatin’ ute=
486 MB: One of them fancy =
imported cars.
Mouse: What =
eats the horses’ grain in the barn.
Main Frame: The part =
of the barn that holds the roof up.
Port: &nbs=
p; Fancy wine.
Enter: =
C’mon in!
Random Access Memory: You can’t remember how much th=
at new rifle cost when your wife asks.
Digital: &nbs=
p; Like those numbers that flip on your alarm clock.
Dr Bob=
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"