Since I was a little tot, I recall the cheerful banter as we pa=
rted from family and friend. The rhyming “See You Later, Alligator!&#=
8221; was always answered by “After While, Crocodile!”
It wasn’t long before we made up our own rhymes (some good, some bad,=
some ugly) like “Gotta Go, Buffalo!” or “In A Shake, Rat=
Now it’s YOUR turn to join our family fun.=A0=
Using any animal, bird, insect, fish (or any other thing you want), share =
with us YOUR idea for fun farewell rhyme(s). No limit, but be original, ple=
ase. Google is not needed to be a winner.
“Hasta Ma=F1ana, speedy Iguan=
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]=
"Jesus Know=
s Me, This I Love!"