[Achieving a Ph.D. is a lofty goal for anyone. I have a couple =
of “urned” degrees myself (the closest to a Ph.D. I ever held w=
as a post hole digger) but want to joke and tease and try out some “P=
h.D. Humor”.]
What do you call an owl with a PhD?
Dr. Who.
What do you call a jalape=F1o with a PhD?
Dr. Pepper.
What do you call a socially anxious person with a PhD in pa=
lindrome studies?
Dr. Awkward.
What do you call a =
cat with a PhD in Marine Biology?
A Doctopus=
is the only Looney Tunes character with a doctorate?
Elmer Phd.
What do call a fish with a PhD?
A brain sturgeon.
What is Dr Pepper’s PhD in?
Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected] www.grif.net
"Jesus Knows Me, This I L=