
10/10/23 Grif.Net -Vegan Jokes

10/10/23 Grif.Net -Vegan Jokes

My mouth always waters when I am cooking tasty steaks, bur=
gers, and sausages on my BBQ grill.

I guess that this is what vegans experience when they mow their =


How can yo=
u tell if someone is a vegan?

Don’t worry, they will te=
ll you within 10 seconds of meeting them.


They have finally discovered the origin of the word ve=

It is app=
arently an old Indian word for "bad hunter".


at is the difference between a vegan and a computer programmer?

One is disgusted by a rack of lamb, the other is disgusted by a lac=
k of RAM.



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

uot;Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"