
07/22/23 Weekend Grif.Net – Isaac Watts (part 1)

07/22/23 Weekend Grif.Net – Isaac Watts (part 1)

Isaac Watts, Sr., was a tailor and deacon of a “Dissenter=
” church (non-Anglican, what we would call an evangelical born-again =
church) in Southampton in 1674 when his first son was born – Isaac Wa=
tts, Jr.  Watts was arrested for preaching the Gospel and his wife Sar=
ah nursed the newborn while seated on a rock by the prison gate so his fath=
er could see him.


Watts Sr was later released, and the couple soon recognized th=
eir young boy as precocious. Before age 2 he was reading English and by age=
4 learned Latin. He mastered Greek at 9 and Hebrew at 13. He loved rhyme a=
nd verse and, most importantly, came to know himself as a sinner and the Lo=
rd as his personal savior at age 7. 

At 7, he wrote this acros=
tic on his name ISAAC –


I am a vile polluted lump of earth

So I’ve continued ever since my birth

Although Jehovah grace does give me

As sure this monster Satan will deceive me

Come, therefore, Lord, from Satan’s claws relie=
ve me


Watts finished school but could not attend Oxford unless he would convert=
to Anglicanism. He attended a small college for Dissenters and earned his =
degree by age 19. He complained to his father about the singing in church (=
only psalms were sung), arguing that Luther had written hymns in German for=
his followers. Watts was challenged to write a hymn and it was so well rec=
eived that the church asked him to compose a new hymn each Sunday for the n=
ext two years. In 1707 these were published and “the Father of Englis=
h Hymnody” had begun to change modern worship.

Here is that ve=
ry first hymn written by Isaac Watts, Jr (based on Revelation 5). Hopefully=
in days to come we will share more about Watts as a ‘guiding light&#=
8217; of our musical heritage.


Behold the glories of the Lamb

Amidst His Father’s throne

Prepare new honors for His Name

And songs =
before unknown


Eternal Father, Who shall look

Thy secret will?

Who but the Son should tak=
e that Book

And open every seal?


Now to the Lamb t=
hat once was slain

Be endless blessings paid=

Salvation, glory, joy remain

For ever on Thy head


Thou hast redeemed out souls with blood

Has set the prisoner free


Has made us kings and priests to God

And we shall reign with Thee



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected]=

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"