
07/21/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles (part 15)

07/21/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles (part 15)

I gave up my seat on the bus for a blind person.

Coincidently, that was the same day I lost my job as a bus=



In college I taught that Einstein de=
veloped a theory about space.

I added that i=
t was about time, too.



I asked the librarian =
if they had any books on paranoia.

She motio=
ned me closer and whispered, “They’re right behind you.”



That’s a nice ham you’ve got there,=
but be careful.

It would be a shame if some=
one put an ‘s’ at the front and an ‘e’ at the end.



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This =
I Love!"