
06/16/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles )part 10)

06/16/23 Grif.Net – Weakly Smiles )part 10)

“Of course, I wouldn’t say anything about her unles=
s I could say something good.

And, oh boy, =
is this good . . .”



Probably the reason m=
any a politician stands on his record is to keep voters from examining it.&=



Dad loves to eat and does so with gusto=
— to the distress of my mother, who worries about his weight.


One evening=
Dad was devouring a snack of cheese spread and crackers. As he scraped the=
last bit of spread from its container, he asked Mom if she wanted to save =
the jar.


“No, it’s okay,” Mom replied. “Go ahead and eat =



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Lo=