
02/21/23 Grif.Net – Around the House (part 2)

02/21/23 Grif.Net – Around the House (part 2)

My cousin wanted to know if I knew any laundry puns.=

I told her that I’ve got loads of them.


After ironing =
all the clothes, my mom accidentally dropped the whole pile of laundry.

I witnessed it all unfold.


Ironing puns aren’t =
as bad as everyone thinks they are.

17;ve just been getting bad press.


I stopped ironing my clothes.

I have more pressing concerns than that.


Remember telling college =
dorm mates I had a medical condition that caused wrinkles in my clothes.

It was an iron deficiency.


If you’re stressed,=
try ironing clothes.

It’s a great way=
to let off some steam.



Dr Bob Griffin

[email protected]

t;Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
