[Up to =
“J” and “K” in our Tom Swifty word plays on the =
first weekday of each month]
"My =
wife’s valuable Chinese necklace has been stolen," said Tom =
"Your =
meat, madam!" announced the two butcher boys =
“I tend =
to use infinitives rather than gerunds," said Tom =
"I plan =
to start a cattle ranch in a space station orbiting Jupiter," said =
Tom jovially.
"It’s =
good to have a sharp edge on a sword," said Tom =
"Your =
honor, I think you are crazy," said Tom judgmentally. =
je te plumerai," sang Tom jauntily.
"I’ve run =
out of wool," said Tom, knitting his brow. (such fun adding another =
pun “close” to being a Swifty)
Dr Bob Griffin =
[email protected] =
www.grif.net =
"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I =