[Jacob forwarded this Hanukkah story]. A Rabbi was walking, slowly, out of a
shul in New York, when a gust of wind blew his hat off and down the street.
He was an old man, who walked with the aid of a cane, and who wasn’t able to
fetch his hat. Across the street, a young gentile man saw what was
happening, rushed over and grabbed the hat. He then returned it to the
“I don’t think I could have retrieved my hat by myself,” said the Rabbi.
“Thank you very much!” He then placed his hand on the man’s shoulder and
said, “May God bless you.”
The young man thought to himself, “I’ve been blessed by the Rabbi, this must
be my lucky day!” He decided then and there to go to the racetrack. In the
first race he noted a horse named ‘Stetson’ at 20 to 1. He bet $50 and, sure
enough, the horse came in first. In the second race, a horse named ‘Fedora’
was at 30 to 1, so he bet all his money on that horse. Fedora came in first,
as well.
At the end of the day the man returned home to his wife. She asked him where
he’s been. He explained how he caught the Rabbi’s hat, and how he was
blessed by him, and how he then went to the track and bet on horses which
were named after hats.
“So where’s the money?” she said.
“I lost it all in the ninth race. I bet on a horse named Chateau and it
“You fool, ‘chateau’ is a house, ‘chapeau’ is a hat!” exclaimed his wife.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, “the winner was some Japanese horse named
~~ANSWERS to World Pop Population Quiz
1. China (1.33 billion)
2. India (1.18 billion)
3. USA (311 million)
4. Indonesia (244 million)
5. Brazil (202 million)
6. Pakistan (185 million)
7. Bangladesh (157 million)
8. Nigeria (153 million)
9. Russia (140 million)
10. Japan (127 million)
11. Mexico (113 million)
12. Philippines (100 million)
Dr Bob Griffin
bob@grif.net www.grif.net
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”