
10/13/11 Grif.Net – Cheesy

10/13/11 Grif.Net – Cheesy

Since I went to college and seminary (for those who read this with
amazement, yes, I’m an ordained minister as well as retired college
professor) in Wisconsin and proudly wear Green and Gold for the World
Champion PACKERS, I have a fondness for puns about my state.

And I tend to make up puns about the dairy industry because other subjects
seem just too cheesy or make me feel bleu. I consider such word plays to be
my Kraft and cower at the thought of NOT doing butter.

When I think of a good (or bad) pun, I tend to milk it for all it’s worth.
Think they are udderly charming. While often I wonder if they’re gouda
enough, I always find a whey to cream off the best ones.

I cheddar to think what I’ll come out with next. I don’t want to seem to be
a munster, but I think everyone is too busy churning out curdling complaints
about my puns.

Well, I butter quit. I ricotta get going and wean myself away from all
this. Hope I sliced it well then grilled the subject to perfection.

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”