
02/18/09 Grif.Net – Recipes

02/18/09 Grif.Net – Recipes

Ingredients: 1 large Roast of beef, 1 small Roast of beef

Take the two roasts and put them in the oven. When the little one burns, the
big one is done. (Gracie Allen)


“When I read about the evils of too much cholesterol, eating eggs, red meat,
or even drinking coffee, I gave up reading.”


To cook a turkey – This recipe is perfect for those people who just are not
sure how to tell when poultry is cooked thoroughly but not dried out.

12 lb. Turkey; 1 cup melted butter; 1 cup stuffing; 1 cup uncooked popcorn;
salt/pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt and
Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan in the oven.
Listen for popping sounds. When the turkey blows out the oven door and flies
across the room, the turkey is done.


My idea of a “balanced diet” is a cookie in each hand.

Dr Bob Griffin
“Jesus knows me, this I love”