
11/01/07 Grif.Net – Bad Wordplay for November

11/01/07 Grif.Net – Bad Wordplay for November

Many long years ago the king’s baker’s assistant’s sole job was to pour the
dough mixture for making sausage rolls (apparently the royal family loved
sausage). Because people were identified by their professions in those days,
he was just called Richard the Pourer.

One day Richard ran out of some key ingredients, namely a secret spice he
used in the batter. He called his apprentice and sent him to the store to
buy more spices. When the apprentice arrived at the store, he found that he
had forgotten the name of the ingredient.

Hoping that the storekeeper might be able to figure it out, he described it
to him, “It’s for Richard the Pourer for batter for wurst.”

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given