
07/14/07 Weekend Grif.Net – Devil’s Beatitudes

07/14/07 Weekend Grif.Net – Devil’s Beatitudes

1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an
hour once a week with their fellow Christians — they are my best workers.

2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be
thanked — I can use them.

3. Blessed are the touchy who stop going to church — they are my

4. Blessed are the trouble makers — they shall be called my children.

5. Blessed are the complainers — I’m all ears to them.

6. Blessed are those who are bored with the minister’s mannerisms and
mistakes — for they get nothing out of his sermons.

7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church
— for he is a part of the problem instead of the solution.

8. Blessed are those who gossip — for they shall cause strife and divisions
that please me.

9. Blessed are those who are easily offended — for they will soon get angry
and quit.

10. Blessed are those who do not give their offering to carry on God’s work
— for they are my helpers.

11. Blessed is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister
— for he shall be with me forever.

12. Blessed are you who, when you read this think it is about other people
and not yourself — I’ve got you too!

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given