
05/04/07 Grif.Net – Bed Feels Good

05/04/07 Grif.Net – Bed Feels Good

Rosetta Cales wrote, I had always prided myself on being an “on time”
person. One morning I overslept and rushed around getting ready for Sunday

As I ran out the door, my husband tried to say something.

“What?” I called back. “Don’t slow me down. I’m late.”

“No you’re not,” he responded. “It’s Saturday.”


And Ada Dalby tells this story of a REAL Sunday morning. On a wintry Sunday
morning, my husband and I were luxuriating in our cozy bed. “Let’s get the
Sunday paper and read it here!” I suggested.

He yawned lazily. “Okay,” he responded. “But which one of us is `Let’s’?”

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given