
12/10/20 Grif.Net -Did You Hear?

12/10/20 Grif.Net -Did You Hear?

Did you hear =
about the chicken that went to a s=E9ance?

She wanted to =
get to the other side.


Did you hear =
about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed =
a little space.


Did you hear =
about the math teacher who is afraid of negative =
She’ll stop at nothing to avoid =


Did you hear =
about the place were they make average items?

It’s =


Did you hear =
about the new exercise for lazy people?

They’re =
called diddly-squats.


Did you hear =
about the dog who did magic tricks?

It’s =
called a labracadabrador.


Did you hear =
about the Oreo who went to the dentist?

Evidently it =
lost its filling.


Did you hear =
about the dog who ate all the scrabble tiles?

He kept =
leaving little messages all around the house.


Did you hear =
about the M&M that enrolled at university?

Guess he =
wanted to be a Smartie.


Did you hear =
that I got my wife a new refrigerator for =

Can’t =
wait to see her face light up when she opens it.



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] =

"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I Love!"