
04/06/20 Grif.Net – Status Updates

04/06/20 Grif.Net – Status Updates

Andy C =
admitted, “I honestly hadn’t planned to give up this much =
for Lent.”


Ken M =
explained, “I think the most groundbreaking invention of all time =
was the shovel.”


Lyssa Z =
testified, “I’ve found out I have 3 new hobbies I never =
realized.  #1 is eating at restaurants, #2 is going to =
non-essential businesses, and #3 is touching my =


Beth N said, =
“As you age, you have to think positively about everything. The =
other day I fell down the steps and instead of getting upset, I thought, =
“Wow! That’s the fastest I’ve moved in =


Mark I. =
shared, “Buying my wife a matching belt and bag for her birthday. =
Sure she’ll have that vacuum cleaner fixed in no =


Wayne I quipped, “Every morning I announce to my =
family that I am going jogging, but then I don’t go.

It’s a running =


Carol B =
advised, “I’m stocking up on ice cream, toppings, sprinkles =
and fruit in case I have to self-quarantine for a month of =


Gary admitted, "When I hear God’s still, small voice, =
it’s often because I left my audio Bible on."


Jim related, =
“I told my wife I was so thankful to have someone I really enjoy =
to be quarantined with.  She replied that it must be =


Wanda was =
asked if the virus threat is really that bad.  She answered, =
“All churches and all casinos are closed. When Heaven AND Hell =
both agree on the same thing, it must be pretty =


Mark F reminds =
us that, “Cars aren’t the only thing that get recalled by =
their Maker.”


Audrey =
observed, “Now all of a sudden having a mask, rubber gloves, duct =
tape, a gallon of bleach and plastic sheeting in the trunk of my car is =



Dr Bob Griffin =

[email protected] =

"Jesus =
Knows Me, This I Love!"