
09/20/14 Weekend Grif.Net – More Truths from the Pastor’s Sermons

09/20/14 Weekend Grif.Net – More Truths from the Pastor’s Sermons

[More pastoral sayings you’re heard before and are still true!]

“Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurred to God?”

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them
all yourself.”

“Many people spend decades gathering bundles of sticks to build bridges they
never cross.”

“Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it.” (We
cannot change others’ actions, but we can change our reaction)

“Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men

“Dead fish float downstream. It takes a live fish to swim against the

“Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God’s
grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED of
God’s grace.”

“When it comes time to die make sure all you’ve got to do is die.”

“There are two facts I’ve learned: There IS a God. And secondly, His name IS
NOT Bob.”

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”