
12/10/10 Grif.Net – Overheard

12/10/10 Grif.Net – Overheard

In preparation for the festive office parties, family gatherings and all-out
reveling around the Christmas/New Year season, a preacher was waxing loud
and long on the subject of temperance.

“Wouldn’t this world would be a better place if everyone poured their beer
into the river?”

“Amen!” went the congregation

“And poured their wine into the river?”


And poured their whiskey into the river?”

“Amen and Amen!”

Then he sat down. The song leader stood and announced, “For our closing
hymn, turn to page 365 and stand and join me in singing ‘Shall We Gather at
the River.'”

Dr Bob Griffin
[email protected]
“Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!”