
01/15/07 Grif.Net – Finish the Sentence

01/15/07 Grif.Net – Finish the Sentence

Ten years ago, when the was in its infancy, Ken Marsh (who once
ministered with me as my youth pastor back in the 70’s) forwarded this idea
for a quiz to see how BRIGHT the subscribers to this service are. Not much
chance or they wouldn’t be getting this clutter in their mailbox daily.

You’ve heard the old maxim “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”.
Many humorous parodies are afloat . . and others are being developed by sick
minds almost daily. Can you come us with some good ones (and possible
suggestions for others)

Old accountants never die, they just
Old bankers never die, they just
Old cleaning people never die, they just
Old deans never die, they just
Old doctors never die, they just
Old journalists never die, they just
Old lawyers never die, they just
Old owls never die, they just
Old photographers never die, they just
Old pilots never die, they just
Old postal employees never die, they just
Old quarterbacks never die, they just
Old schools never die, they just
Old sewage workers never die, they just
Old sailors never die, they just
Old steelmakers never die, they just
Old teachers never die, they just

You get the idea. Give it a try and see if they’ll work. If you’d like,
send some of the best my way (I’ll share the BEST EFFORTS in a few days).

CLICK HERE for some of the ANSWERS 

Dr Bob Griffin,
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given