
04/06/09 Grif.Net – Overheard after Church

04/06/09 Grif.Net – Overheard after Church

Wife to Husband: “I think the Pastor is on a diet. He kept mumbling about
being good low-carb Christians, and not partaking of the forbidden fruit.”

Assistant Pastor to Pastor: “It was tough to keep their attention during the
service, but you kept them awake. Many have yawned, but few are dozin’.”

Boy to Mother: “Pastor is NOT a man of the cloth. I saw him use the
electric hand dryer.”

Two little girls: “I know why the Reverend told us to do some sole
searching. I checked mine and found gum, tape and a squished bug. Gross.”

Youth Pastor to teens: “I have compiled a list of items you cannot bring on
the overnight camping trip. I’m calling them the Tent Commandments.”

Teen to Youth Pastor: “Are sins of omission the sins I should have committed
but didn’t?”

Son to his parents: “I am NOT going to church on Easter. Pastor is going to
throw eggs at all of us. He already said his message is ‘Take my yoke upon

Dr Bob Griffin
“Jesus knows me, this I love”